Saturday, July 5, 2014

NOTD: Pastel gradient

Hello there :) I'd like to share this cute and simple nail art with you

To create this manicure i applied two coats of white polish and then made a cradient using my new Models Own polishes - Banana Split and Blueberry Muffin. I actually tried to do it more traditional way - applying Banana Split as my base, but the Blueberry Muffin wouldnt show over it at all, so I tried laying white polish down first. I used cosmetic sponge for gradient. When that was completely dry i applied Valzer (which i believe comes from China) blowball water decals. They didnt show too well over yellow but I actually liked that.


  1. This design was truly a cute one) me myself, I tried to make a gradient but failed. Would you give me a master-classe? ;)
